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Health Care NH


UnitedHealthcare is an operating division of UnitedHealth Group, the largest single health carrier in the United States. UHC offers innovative products, simple benefits administration and Packaged Savings® solutions that meet your needs while helping you control costs.
As a recognized leader in the health and well-being industry, United Healthcare strives to:

•    Improve the quality and effectiveness of health care for all Americans
•    Enhance access to health benefits
•    Create products and services that make health care more affordable
•    Use technology to make the health care system easier to navigate

Our family of companies delivers innovative products and services to approximately 70 million Americans. UnitedHealthcare's nationwide network includes 560,000 physicians (and other care professionals), 80,000 dentists and 4,800 hospitals. Our pharmaceutical management programs provide more affordable access to drugs for 13 million people.