As an industry leader, HSA continues to keep Brokers, Employers and Individuals informed about legislative changes to healthcare, important updates as well as new plans and products available. With tens of thousands of subscribers, HSA continues to keep a watchful eye on the Small Group Employee Benefits Market.
Neighborhood Health Plan seeking to gain business customers
The nonprofit insurer, best known for managing the care of low-income people on Medicaid, is accelerating a push into the market for large businesses.
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Mass. Health Connector Website Costs Rise To $281 Million
BOSTON The cost of setting up the Massachusetts health insurance website under the rules of Obamacare is rising again, this time by $47.2 million.
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AG Maura Healey continues probe of Connector software developer
Attorney General Maura Healey is investigating the performance of CGI, the Canadian software developer that built the failed website for the Massachusetts Health Connector, continuing a review started by her predecessor.
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MassHealth on massive hunt to verify eligibility
Locate 1.2 million people. Find even the thousands of them who don’t speak English or don’t have a place to live. Get them to fill out a 26-page application. Process those forms. And get it done by the end of the year.
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Report slams Deval Patrick administration over Health Connector fix claims
The Patrick administration may have exaggerated its progress in building a new Obamacare website to avoid losing federal funds
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